Sunday, November 9, 2014


Strawberry Jinx - Strawberry J - KazaarKat

Kazaar started life as an undead mage on a faraway, fairly random server. Living life for five and a half years, the characters name was adopted by the creator. Kazaar became the way I started to identify myself as. The Kat was added just for the off chance of a taken username during any of our future account creations. =] This is true to this day in fact. Links will be added to the side column during the next few days. 

Strawberry J was my start at a new, more widely identifiable gamertag (league, wow, etc). Out of all the fruit I'd identify with, strawberry's both in color and taste are definitely among my favorites, Colorwise, I've been known to dye my hair this pink, fantastic shade. Taste wise, I enjoy this flavor for shampoos and lotions, etc. The J, well, I'm a little Jinxyy. Combined into a perfect package of here I fucking am.

Strawberry Jinx evolved into my new gamer tag and identity. I've always been a Jinx, I've called myself one since childhood. I don't see it as a bad thing. Jinx's are mysterious, 13 is my lucky number and black cats are good luck..

Welcome to my life? Lolz let's see what happens.

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