Wednesday, November 5, 2014

A Few Likes and Dislikes


    • Amazing, soothing music... Whatever mood it may be soothing at that time
    • Hot, refreshing showers. The kind you get lost in
    • A Delicious meal after a tough but rewarding day
    • Compelling conversations that are not a hassle to continue, they just seem to go on and on as both party is enthralled
    • Paying all your bills for the month and still having shopping money ;]
    • The feeling of a deep stretch through all of your tired muscles
    • A book that gets your imagination flowing; more visually compelling than a movie
    • Creating a little work of art to call my own; In this case, crocheting a little square =D
    • Playing Laser Tag with a group of people without any drama
    • Cuddling a kitty cat that's had nothing but sleepy thoughts all day after getting off work

10 Dislikes::

    • Public places that are just grime covered and uncomfortable
    • Feeling out of control in any given day to day situation
    • Realizing 24 hours in a day is simply not enough
    • Meetings one is forced to attend, but never needed to present
    • Owning up and putting aside the things you love, for the things you have to get done
    • The cold air that invades once you leave the protective bubble of sleep every morning
    • Conversations that seem to take place in your personal space, but do not involve you in any way, shape or form
    • The need to know what's going to happen next, but being denied that information until it actually happens
    • When the best plot line you've read/seen/etc ends in the worst possible way
    • Going to sleep every night wondering if something is going to actually happen tomorrow


Here's a few more of the random thoughts I have floating around up there.

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