A friend of mine introduced me to one of the best games ever a few days ago:: Plague Inc. Evolved!
You create a plague, whether it be bacteria, virus, fungus, etc, and then you try to wipe out humanity. It is AMAZING. You're racing against how fast you can evolve your plague, how fast humans research a cure, and how fast you can infect humanity VS how fast humans are dying. It's god damn awesome. There are seaports and airports that can be closed down if your plague is getting too much attention.
Seriously good game, I highly suggest picking it up.
Today I woke up early and went to see my biological family. My brother and father were out hunting for most of the morning, trying to find an buck to feed on through the winter. My mother was making breakfast, super delicious pancakes and eggs, nom nom nommm! Good times had by all.
Afterwards I made my way to K-Mart, for a finally-closing-down-after-ten-years sale. 45 dollars and 15 items later, So fashion! So makeup! Possible pictures to come lolz.. Fucking love sales. Also got some warm slipper cuties.
While constructing this post, I've been watching The Den, which was suggested to me by a co-worker who also appreciates some of the good ol' horror genre. Actually turned out to be a pretty good movie all in all.
Hopes for the day (what's left of it anyway):: Update IMDB, then shelfari (it's been a month or so, and I've been going through storage so there's quite a lot to update lolz), do some chores (boo!), play with a few of my new face toys, workout a bit, either finish a post I already started or just babble some more and mentally prep myself for being shorted a weekend day (I go into work for four hours tomorrow).
Stay warm, there are creeps out there.