Monday, January 12, 2015

Did Someone Say SCREEN TIME?

In a previous post from today I said I'd be finishing one of my long standing drafts... Well I only sorta lied. This post has been just a title for at least the last 2 weeks so, essentially I am finishing one, just not one that I've already spent hours on. That being said I don't plan on spending hours on this one, but if it does take over the course of a few hours, on and off, that's acceptable. =] I plan on buying a domain name for this blog/maybe future blog soon (maybe tonight, def by friday). There are a few for my someday fun-side business/ brand name, and blog type things are included in said plan. I have an Etsy page, but nothing listed, so I'm thinking about making a side one for all my random done bead projects. MMmMMMMMmm Beads.... I do take requests ;]

On to the topic of this silly little post..  I've been trying to diligently track all the movies/ Tv/ anime stuff that I watch (yea, I have screen addictions). All the DVD cases I've been packing back up over the last few months has made it really easy to add a mass amount at one time (not that I'm super close to being done lolz). It's kinda fun making sure, just like my books, that I don't end up rewatching something just because it didn't grab my attention the first time, or it was in the middle of a binge media consumption.

Here's a link to :: my IMDB

If someone has suggestions and it's not on my watched list, watch list, or otherwise list, please message me or comment on here. I'm always up for recommendations ;D

I while writing this, and getting ready for work tomorrow, I am watching Lakey Peterson: Zero to 100. Super good documentary! Another inspiring one. Sometimes I let netflix decide what I'm to watch when. As in when they put end dates on shows and movies, definitely changes priorities. Makes it fun ;]

Time for me to make a late dinner, enjoy your space travels. 

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