Monday, January 12, 2015

Did Someone Say SCREEN TIME?

In a previous post from today I said I'd be finishing one of my long standing drafts... Well I only sorta lied. This post has been just a title for at least the last 2 weeks so, essentially I am finishing one, just not one that I've already spent hours on. That being said I don't plan on spending hours on this one, but if it does take over the course of a few hours, on and off, that's acceptable. =] I plan on buying a domain name for this blog/maybe future blog soon (maybe tonight, def by friday). There are a few for my someday fun-side business/ brand name, and blog type things are included in said plan. I have an Etsy page, but nothing listed, so I'm thinking about making a side one for all my random done bead projects. MMmMMMMMmm Beads.... I do take requests ;]

On to the topic of this silly little post..  I've been trying to diligently track all the movies/ Tv/ anime stuff that I watch (yea, I have screen addictions). All the DVD cases I've been packing back up over the last few months has made it really easy to add a mass amount at one time (not that I'm super close to being done lolz). It's kinda fun making sure, just like my books, that I don't end up rewatching something just because it didn't grab my attention the first time, or it was in the middle of a binge media consumption.

Here's a link to :: my IMDB

If someone has suggestions and it's not on my watched list, watch list, or otherwise list, please message me or comment on here. I'm always up for recommendations ;D

I while writing this, and getting ready for work tomorrow, I am watching Lakey Peterson: Zero to 100. Super good documentary! Another inspiring one. Sometimes I let netflix decide what I'm to watch when. As in when they put end dates on shows and movies, definitely changes priorities. Makes it fun ;]

Time for me to make a late dinner, enjoy your space travels. 

Happy Frackin' 2015

Good <insert time of day> fellow strange ones,

I can't believe how fast last year went. MADNESS. I am still typing 2014 everywhere and having to make corrections. Blogging.. will become more of a priority in the new year. I am so O.C.D. that I get stuck on the details and have many draft posts started at once. I get in the state that it's not refined or it will take hoursssss to finish and blah blah blah. It needs to change, is what I'm getting at. Come on me, YOU CAN DO IT! (Insert Rob Schneider's voice here).

Today I woke up at 7am so I could get my shit (chores) started. I want to check stuff of a list, It's exhilarating. Eating this early is a challenge for me, but that's another "resolution" of this year that I would like to improve upon. Working in IT and now making blog posts makes me realize how much my spelling has slipped and I rely upon spell check a bit more than I use to. =[ Grammar and reading speed are a resolution as well lolz.

=-=-=-=-=-PAST BLASTERS-=-=-=-=-=

When last year started, it was looking to turn into the worst year possible. I was in an outrageous situation and had little hope that anything would improve. I was in this funk until August, when my 4th Shambhala was coming up.. Then, I got in the zone. I wanted everything to change once I got back to the states. I was in the middle of moving when I left and had 1/2 my stuff in storage, 1/4 in a new room totally packed up and the last 1/4 at my old place for last week necessities. I had to borrow money and max out credit cards to make my vacation a dream and have two apartments at once in the middle of it all. But it was worth it. Best Shams of my life, and hope that things can only get better from there.

It seems putting myself in this mindstate made the entire experience a bit more... what's the word.. life changing? I've been able to work through reading a lot more books and organizing a lot of my physical shit (you know, ALL THE BOXES?!), and I donated more than any other year in my life. That felt really good, physical pounds I no longer had to carry with me. I'm not going to lie though, I do still have a 10x10 storage unit that's 1/2-3/5ths full. But at least it's all labeled and written down... Someday I'll get renters insurance... Sigh. One step at a time. ;]

This year has started off going rocketship-to-space fast. It's the twelfth!? What? lolz seriously. ;] A topic for another post.

Anyways, those drafts I mentioned in this first paragraph? I plan on posting at least one of them today and getting it finally done =] Not sure which one yet though, I guess that can be a surprise.

See You Space Cowboy..

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Cirque Dreams: Holidaze... LIVE!

Now that it's been over a month since I've been over a month since going to Holidaze, I feel a bit late getting my review/ enjoyment post about it out. I wasn't planning on attending this amazing show, but after seeing a post at work where nine ladies were looking for a tenth for their ticket bundle. Trying to get out of my shell a bit more this year, I decided this would be a good opportunity to meet and greet some people I've been working with over the last few years.

Starting with a fantastic dinner at a nice restaurant, we carpooled over and got some snacks for the beginning of the show. Taking our assigned seats, and getting settled seconds before the lights went down, it started with some amazing gymnasts and two very talented aerial acrobatics (the ladies pictured below). Of course taking photos was not allowed in the theatre, mental notes are nonetheless amazing.

There were so many performers from all over the world. If ever given the opportunity. I highly suggest seeing any Cirque live show. Absolutely a work of art and masterfully constructed. The holiday theme was entirely enjoyable, and even involved a bit of audience participation.

Above are some jump roping reindeers; extremely impressive. And below, are some very amazing roller skating gravity showoffs =]

I will be making a point to seek these shows out in the future. Seeing feats of the human body in such ways is why I workout as often as I can, and am working on implementing it further into my daily life. FIVE out of FIVE. ;]

None of the photos/videos on this page are mine, of course, see below.
Photo/Video URLs (None of these are mine):